Thursday, May 27, 2010

From Singing to Sinning

When God’s people finally made it out of Egypt they responded with great praise and singing. This attitude of gratitude lasted for only three days….three days! After three days of walking in the wilderness, with minimal food and water, the Israelites began to complain and grumble against its leadership –“Why did you bring us out here to kill us?” “We want to go back to Egypt!”

When I would read these passages I would often, if not always, think, “What is wrong with these people? How can you see the power and provision of God firsthand in liberating you from Egypt, and then just three days later forget it all and complain?”

After walking in the wilderness today, I understand a bit better. I am sure I would have complained as well.

Here is what I wrote in my journal earlier in the day: “How easy it is to sing when God moves, when circumstances are favorable, when stomachs are full and thirst is quenched. But when fears mount, and stomachs growl, when throats are parched and feet burn – we so easily wander.

As the hymn writer wrote: “Prone to wander Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.”

Here are some pictures from today:

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