Friday, May 7, 2010

11 Children

Last night Rodney and I went to a home of a family with 11 children. They live in a home with two main rooms a small kitchen and a bathroom - 13 people! Four of the children went to a camp last summer where they heard and received good news. Rodney and another member of his team visit this home frequently.

Our time last night was so rich. The meal was delicious - mushroom soup, rice, bread and salad. We sat around a table on the floor, laughed, ate, tickled, laughed, ate,.... Afterwards, the kids played a simple game with Rodney using scrambled letters on a piece of paper. The kids had to look at the letters and use them to spell an animal. For example, ehsor - would be horse. They played this game for a half hour or so, laughing and competing against each other. It was very touching for me to see all 10 kids(the oldest son is in the military) having so much fun with each other.

After the game we sang songs of faith and worshipped the living God. Again, it was very moving for me to hear and see these kids with us adults praising God. I couldn't understand any of the words, but I do understand(to some small degree) the language of the Spirit, and it was there! I then shared the story of Jesus' tempation in the wilderness. Many of the kids were wild eyed and very engaged. Some were running around, not paying attention, falling asleep - but I have been well prepared for those kinds of reactions to my teaching! We ended in prayer.

As we walked up the hill away from their house back to our car to go home, I was reminded yet again of the well worn cliche "many of us have so much, yet so little, some people have so so little, yet have so so much."

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven" Matthew 5:3


  1. Thanks bro. So good to be able to follow along. I'm preaching on Acts 16 this Sunday...I've been studying maps of western Turkey. Thinking of you wherever you are.
